
Magicial Christmas

Wine | Marks & Spencer Bourbon Biscuits | Marks & Spencer RedCurrant Puffs|
Kraft Riz Crackers| Ferror Rocher (Large)| Danish Style Butter Cookies |Vanilla Jelly Sweet|
Fox's Mint | Rendo Chirstmas Creme Waffle| Sparkling Juice

King of the World

Wine | Lay's Potato Chips | Caramel Popcorn | Oat Krunch Cookie Pack|
Cheezels Crackers | Kraft Riz Crackers| Belgid' Or Dark Sea Shells Chocolate |
Danish Style Butter Cookies | Marshmallow | Fox's Mint | St. Dalfour Wild Blueberry

Symphony of Christmas

Lay's Potato Chips | Caramel Popcorn | Oat Krunch Cookie Pack|
Cheezels Crackers | Kraft Riz Crackers| Belgid' Or Dark Sea Shells Chocolate |
Danish Style Butter Cookies | Fox's Mint | Sparkling Juice

Enchanted Christmas

Lay's Potato Chips | Caramel Popcorn | Cheezels Crackers | Kraft Riz Crackers
Belgid' Or Dark Sea Shells Chocolate | Marshmallow | Fox's Mint | Sparkling Juice

To order, simply SMS 9645 6632 | 9389 7383

Delivery option is available too!

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Send your special request + specific budget to us, we will deliver exactly what you need.